Now Go Natural

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Now Go Natural

Be wise in choosing hair products. Not all products are created equal. What works for one may not work for you. Have an open mind. This is probably your first time dealing with your hair in its natural state. Why did I go Natural? It was not by choice in the beginning. I had a spot on my scalp I had ignored for about 1.5 years. My stylist at the time told me about it but I choose to do nothing or I didn’t know what to do about it. I finally made an appointment with a dermatologist and I was told on the very first visit no more “CHEMICALS.”

Now Go Natural
Now Go Natural

 I had prepared myself for such words and that is why I had my last perm do a 2 weeks before this visit. I like many of you didn’t know what I was going to do with my hair. So, what do we do women? We go to braids or weaves. I went to braids. I wore braids for about 1.5 years and while doing so I found my new natural stylist and together we cut and my hair slowly. With each new style she would cut some of the permed hair off.

 I was much more comfortable doing it this way because I have never really had short hair and forget about natural short hair. So my journey begun with me kicking and screaming all the way. I have always admire natural hair on other women but I always said I would not have the nerves to do it.

Well, God has a sense of humor! Because I found myself on the path of nappyville. I know all of my family and friends got tired of hearing about my bad hair days and me not wanting to leave the house. Well it was not that bad but hair was my main topic. It took me 23 months to really get to know my hair and what products worked for me. I know there are others who gets it a lot quicker but I was a fighter ( I wanted to control my hair) I want nice calm, ruly, and just hair.

My hair wanted freedom to be what God made it to be. I do go to the salon for visit because I know my stylist can do things I can’t or won’t attempt. I have begun to style my hair more myself as of lately. But I will never be a “natural” that never goes to the salon. My hair is thick and that means I need time to work with it. But on the 23th month of my hair journey I got it. Let my hair do what it wants with in limits. Keep it moisturized and nurtured and it will do what I want it to do. Lessons Learned

1. Water is your friend.
2. Condition Wash is a good a apple pie.
3. Know your hair.
4. Your texture is your texture.
5. Wide tooth combs are your friends.
6. Never, never, never comb your hair with out conditioner or moisturizers in it.
7. Natural hair is soft and lovable.
8. Try products to find what works for you.
9. Never think your in control of the hair style.
10. You could spend hours on your hair only to have it do whatever it wants to do!
11. Patience is the key to getting to your true texture.
12. A little product goes a long way.
13. Waiting for your hair to soak in the product while your whole head is white- might mean you used too much.
14. Twists are your friend.

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